AirShou Screen Recorder for iOS(iPhone/iPad) : Are you tired of boring apps of screen recorders ? Don’t worry we have a great deal for you that is AirShou Screen Recorder App for iPhone, iPad & iPod Touch. This AirShou Screen recorder app or apk is developed by Shou.TV. Air Shou Screen Recording app redesigned for latest iOS versions like iOS 11.1, iOS 11, iOS 10.3/10.2 and iOS 9+ by Shou.TV developers with adding few more feature’s.
For installing Air Shou Screen Recorder we don’t need to jailbreak our iPhone/iPad. I am pretty sure that in this screen recorders apps market air shou screen recorder for iOS is the best. By the way old screen recorder is still working in iOS 8, 8.4.1, or iOS 8.3, 8/7 based devices.
iOS 9 screen recorder app this name itself enough to get huge popularity among iOS devices. You just want to record your iOS screen whatever you did then you must have a screen recorder app ( Air Shou Screen Recorder for iOS(iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch). Just let me give an example if you are winning clash of clans game in your iOS device if you want to share this screen with your friends then you must have this app.
Download AirShou Screen Recorder for iPhone/iPad
Air Shou recorder is also some awesome features. Let’s scroll down to explore more about this fantastic Air Shou Screen Recorder for iPad/iPhone on iOS Without Jailbreak.
Airshou screen recorder is best screen recorder app for iPhone 6, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone X, iPhone 6, 6 Plus, iPhone 6S Plus, iPhone 5, SC, 5S, iPhone 4, iPad, iPad 2, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 4, iPad Pro, iPad mini, iPod Touch 4th, 5th generations devices. Sweet app for you : Don’t miss this fantastic app : Bobby MovieBox for iPhone/iPad to watch online movies for free of cost.

Shou Screen Recorder for iPhone/iPad with Apk
AirShou Screen Recorder for iOS(iPhone/iPad) : Some Awesome Features
- AirShou App Apk is Compatible with Lot of iOS versions like iOS
- iOS 9: iOS 9.3.3, 9.3.2, 9.3, 9.2, iOS 9.1, iOS 9.
- iOS 10: iOS 10.3.3, 10.3.2, 10.3.1, iOS 10.3, 10.2, 10.2.2, 10.2, 10.1/10+
- iOS 11: iOS 11.1, iOS 11.
- This recording app use very light processor and record videos very efficiently.
- You can record some of your favorite games and apps on your iOS screen with superb quality.
- Air Shou Screen Recorder app can record up to 1080P @60 Frames per second.
- It support for iPhone, iPad & iPod Touch.
- Air Shou Recorder app is very unique and high quality stereo internal system recording.
Few Interesting Topics :
- Movie HD Apk Download for Android/iOS Latest Working App
- MegaBox HD App for iOS/Android (iPhone/iPad) & iPod Touch
Install AirShou Screen Recorder for iOS 11, iOS 11.1/10.3/10/9+ iPhone/iPad
Follow these few steps to screen recorder air shou install for iPad/iPhone & iPod Touch.
- Launch your Safari browser and visit
- In that URL you will lot of apps just scroll down the screen to find Air Shou Screen Recorder App Apk.
- Now, Just tap on Install button as like below start installing app on iOS device.
Air Shou Download iOS No Jailbreak
- After clicking on Install button one pop up window asks you confirm with below message : storage would like to install “AirShou” Just Tap on Install again.
Air Shou Download from iOS
- It takes few minutes to complete the Air Shou App installation. After that just launch it from home screen and start recording your screen of iOS device using screen recorder shou app apk with no jailbreak.
AirShou Download for iOS
I think my blog readers you don’t need few tips like how to record screen using airshou app or how to save recorded video of airshou to specific folders. Because those are easy and handy. Just play with some settings of your iOS device. And we are done with our tutorial of Air Shou Screen Recorder for iOS(iPhone/iPad) Without Jailbreak on iOS 11.1, iOS 11, 9.3.4, iOS 9.3.3, iOS 9.3.2/9.3.1, iOS 10/9.2.1, iOS 9.3, iOS 9.2/10.2 or iOS 10.3/10.1/10/9+ If you have any doubt’s just ping me up with comments.
Latest Update to Fix Air Shou Not Working/Air Shou Could not be Installed at This Time Error
These few steps helps to fix this shity error “Air Shou Not Working”.
- Above mentioned URL might now work for you sometimes. So, first visit this URL: and immediately you asked click a prompt message. Just click on “Cancel” button and proceed.
- After that just refresh the page you will be seeing latest “Air Shou” install button. Click on Install.
- After installation you have to do one more step that is trusting profile section of this latest installed airshou application for that go to settings section click on Trust Air Shou.
- After that launch the application and create your own airshou account and enjoy the screen recording of iPhone/iPad and iPod Touch.
Install AirShou iOS App for iOS 11, iOS 11.1/10.3/iOS 10+ iPhone/iPad
I got this update from few users who are posting their successful installation airshou ios 10.2, iOS 10.1.1, iOS 10.1, 10.0.2, iOS 10.0.1, iOS 10+ devices. So, i am posting it here so please do have a look at this new update and do let us know your response.
- First, Visit this URL : OR and select airshou app and install it.
- Don’t open the app as soon as you install it from here. Just go to apps profile section in settings and choose airshou app and “Trust” the app.
- This is working on my iPhone 7 which is operating on iOS 10.1. So, try at your end and do let us know your feedback about this new procedure.
Update: If you guy’s still facing the same issue then please get this airshou iOS screen recorder application via “TuTu App” or “TuTu Helper”. We are providing the both links below please do get as per your comfort.
Get TuTu App to Download AirShou iOS Screen Recorder Application.
Get TuTu Helper iOS Application to Install AirShou iOS App.
♦Download Kuaiyong for iOS 11.1/11 and iOS 10/9+ iPhone/iPad Without Jailbreak.
♦Download iFile for iOS 11.1, iOS 11/iOS 10/9 iPad/iPhone No Jailbreak.
Still if you have queries on this “AirShou Not Working” Issue then feel free to ask us via comments. Thanks.
It says server couldn’t be found
For me to
Iam trying to download airshou but on app store it doesn’t give it to me only shou what should I do?
For me it says that this app is an untrusted enterprise developer. What do I do now?
Hi Sanaa, Just Go to Settings>>>There you can see Different Apps profile sections among different apps profiles Select Air Shou Screen Recorder App profile and Hit on “Trust” option to fix your untrusted enterprise developer error.
Note: Air Shou Screen Recorder App updated to it’s 3.0 version. So, if you want to fix some common error’s just up date to Air Shou Screen Recorder 3.0 version.
Air shou is not in settings for me. What do I do
how do I get it on my ipad mini I already have shou
I know right
Why i can’t install the AirShou??? How in Ipad Mini ???
How to Install the Airshou in Ipad Mini? I need help
settings>general>device management> then select the airshou profile and trust it
I’m pretty sure it’s on there if not just delete it and then reinstall it
Its al bullshit you have the app then it stops being verified the you cannot install it like a fucking bad dream cycle seven times utter shit.
You go to setting to general and on the botton it says profile and device mangment and then u press the the trust button
Thanks Jensy for helping Sanaa. Keep helping 🙂
I don’t have Device management on my iPad mini
Go to settings,go to general to profile and management you will see the app name or the enterprise just trust
Lol, u don’t know??? ?, just go on settings>general>profile&emanate meant and trust it
It says that to me too!
I also have iPad mini. Check it again.
Go to setting……. General…… Scroll all the way down and you’ll see “DEVICE MANAGEMENT” near vpn. Just click it and then Trust the app <3
Thanks Kimberly, Thanks for helping our blog readers. Keep helping mate and keep visiting mate. Thanks 🙂
Go to settings
Go to settings and go to end of it and there will be written under von click on it and click on the profile and trust it ENJOY
Just got to general then down to bottom to profiles then find the and and click trust
You go to settings general and then profile and device management and click on airshous things and click trust
I wanna record
Air shou is crap
Hi guys !! This app isn’t working and is asking to retry download again and again. What do I do ?
I’m having the same problem
Same here ?
I have the same problem..
If it says it is an untrusted developer, then do the following steps:
1. Go to the settings of your device
2. Go to “general”
3. Tap on “profiles” near the the bottom
4. Click on the shou app
5. Click trust
Thanks for your great efforts Sam. Keep helping 🙂
Same ???????????
It won’t work!!!!!!
I can’t download it I get stuck on safari web pages
It works for a few days then it stops working and says it’s not trusted and then can’t re verify it, so then I delete it, and it won’t re download…
Same here, but I can’t find the download link
I download Airshou>>Apple says unable to download the app>>HOW TO FIX THEA
The download site says “pag not found”… Uuuggghh
hi im new to airshou I have a server on mincraft and I whont to video it but I cant find air shou anywere plzzzz help me I have a ipad mini
Same here
Please help!!
I go to settings general
There is no profile option!
I have iOS 9.3.2!
Nerden indircez ya cevaplayın nolur indiremedim orda intal ı gördüm ama resim galiba yRdım
I can t join this website after I download AirShou what can I do?
I can’t go this . So what can i do?
Sopha, Say your exact error here so that our readers or myself will help you in that. Thanks.
Mine crashes a lot. I re-downloaded it but still doesn’t wanna work it crashes when ever I stream and it takes away mins from the stream. If it’s 20 mins it turns out 13 mins when it’s uploaded and not live. I would like someone to help me. Thanks.
It’s said airshou can’t DOWLOAD this time what I’m gonna do?
It cuts off approx 2 mins of my recording each time
When ever I record, at the end of the video it always cuts it for like a minute or less! FIX THAT PROBLEM
Hey, I am using Airshou on iPad mini. When I start using the app, it records, but when I playback half the screen goes black and the recording stops on the same screen but the time keeps going. I have trusted the enterprise, any help?
Hey, i go to the website, but it says “Safari cannot find this page.” I did what Sam said about the profiles. I went to settings> general> i scrolled all the way down but couldnt find the “Profiles”…. i have iOS 9.3.3 with an iPhone 6… can someone help pls?!
Don’t work on IOS 9.3.4 please update
AirShou says it can’t be downloaded at this time. I’ve already had this app downloaded before on my iPad Air 2 but it isn’t downloading anymore, please help me.
Each time I try to download it, it says it can’t be downloaded at the time. Please reply to help me ?
This happens to me the same, it is a waste of app
Cherry road isn’t working and hasn’t been for the past month. Any help on how to get it please let me know.
WHEN I did the link it said 404 this server was not found
How do I install there’s no install button??
Awesome guide. I love recording my iPhone screen activity and I always use AceThinker iPhone Screen Recorder. This tool will let you publish screencast of videos animated images real easy. Aside from that, it supports iOS running 7 to 11.