imo for PC/Laptop. Hey guy’s today i bring a new fantastic topic for you that is imo messenger app for PC. imo app is the best alternative application for whatsapp, hike, kik, BlackBerry messenger, Tango etc. We can use imo to make free voice calls with high quality, texting and lot more. imo application launched to both android and iOS/iPhone platforms.

imo app on laptop or pc
But officially imo app not released to PC/Laptop. Don’t perturb here I’ll give you step-by-step procedure to free download of imo for PC and install on windows 7 or windows 8.1/10 or windows XP/8 laptop.Imo app design is very easy and it’s user friendly. Even beginner will handle it without any difficulties. Very nice messaging stickers and smiles are available in this fabulous application.
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imo for PC Download for Free or imo for Laptop – Best WhatsApp Alternative
So as i told you, To use imo app on windows laptop we need a perfect emulator. Now a days Lot of emulators are available. You must download latest and best emulator to experience nice feel of trending applications. Here, I’ll recommend you to use Android bluestacks software. It’s a free emulator.
Bluestacks software available in two forms. Two ways are bluestacks online installer and bluestacks offline installer. If you have nice internet connection it’s better to install latest bluestacks online installer software to use imo app on PC or Laptop. If you don’t have much internet connection install bluestacks offline installer to run imo messenger for windows 7 or windows 8 or windows 10/8.1/XP Laptop/PC.
Download Latest Bluestacks Software for PC
Best Features of imo messenger for PC/Laptop:
- imo is the top alternative app for whatsapp application.
- We can make voice calls with free of cost using imo on PC.
- We can make free video calls with superb quality on laptop using emulators.
- We can use our device like Wallie-Talkie to chat with near dear ones.
- We can use Google maps with this imo app on windows laptop.
- We can create groups, make group chat with our friends and share files among group members.
- We can share photos, files or videos with our favorite buddies.
- Hundreds of messaging stickers and smiles are available.
- We can use imo application on iPhone, Android, iPad platforms. share unlimited SMS over 3G, 4G or Wi-Fi with zero bucks of money.
♦ Soma Messenger for iOS/BlackBerry & Soma App download for Laptop.
Install imo for windows 8 or windows 7/10/8.1/Mac/Vista PC or Laptop
Download latest free bluestacks software from above link and install it without graphic card error.
Note : To avoid graphic card error while installing Bluestacks you must update your graphic card driver. You can ask me in the comment section to know how to update your graphic card driver.
- Open your latest bluestacks software which you installed in your PC or Laptop.
- There you can see search option in bluestacks application. Just hit on Search Option.

Search in bluestacks
- In search option type “imo App”. Most probably you will not get any search results related to imo messenger.

imo app for pc download for free on Windows 10/7/8.1 or Windows 8/XP
- If you are lucky enough you will get some similar apps. If you get your appropriate app then click on it.
- If you didn’t find imo app search results. Just click on “Search Play for imo App”.
- After that select your imo app on windows laptop. See below picture.

download imo app for windows XP or windows 10/7/8/Vista/Mac
- Above step simply search your imo app in Google Play store. After finding your imo app on bluestacks software without much hesitation click on install option.

imo messenger for windows both 32 and 64 bit versions.
- It’s take some time to install imo on your respective OS versions like windows XP or windows 10 or windows 7/8/8.1 both 32 bit and 64 bit PC/Laptop.
- OK, coming to our imo app download on PC. Next Go to All apps in bluestacks software. There you can find your installed imo free app on windows PC. Click on installed imo messenger and enjoy voice calling and video chatting.
You can also install this imo application with imo.apk method on PC or Laptop. That’s very easy to run. I hope you will proceed without my help. So, I am skipping that method.
Do you know>> WhatsApp Web on Edge Browser Windows 10 /Get Back to windows 7/8 from 10.
Friends, I hope you successfully installed this free instant messaging imo app for PC or Laptop. If you feel this post is good enough to share then please share with your friends and enjoy chatting with them. If you face any trouble while following this Free imo for PC/Laptop download and installation on windows 7 or windows 8/8.1/Vista or windows 10/XP/Mac feel free to ask us. We are very happy for that.
it’s very good program
Hi Khaled, I am also using imo app messenger on my windows 10 Laptop. Really it’s an awesome messenger friends.
Sir I have installed imo app on my laptop for windows 10 as per ur procedure but sir voice is not coming audio is not working in app… what should i do??
Use your Windows or call it computer sound settings to manage the sound and video managements
Thanks for your help SaM Uchiha 🙂 . Keep helping.
tnx for the help
windows 10 not install for imo app ki vabe korbo bolle valo hoto………………
I like to be friend of lot’s of people on IMO.
How to add a graphic card? what is a graphic card?
Hi Sajin Zaman, Can you please elaborate your exact doubt ? Actually, I Didn’t get your doubt about graphic card..please elaborate it so that i can try to resolve it…
i don’t know how to add a graphic card?
Hello Sajin, Are you facing Bluestacks graphic card error while using imo messenger on your computer or laptop ? If yes give me reply, I’ll provide few tricks to update your graphic card driver to use imo for pc without errors. Thank you.
Can you tell me how to update the graphic cardd i have windows8
Hi Rox, To update your graphic card in windows 8 you have to follow very few simple steps. Those simple steps are i mentioned in this link there i gave a reply to my blog reader in this article Comment section. Go through this link and go to comment section to Update Graphic card in Windows 8 or windows 7/10/8.1 Laptop/PC.
yep.. got the problem.. graphic card should be updated..
Hi, Graphic card should be updated to complete installation of latest bluestacks. Here i’ll provide a link for you go to that link and switch to comment section there you can find simple and easy few steps to update Graphic card to use imo messenger.
hi.. thank you for your advise.. i did what you have told me.. the graphic driver is up to date, that’s the result after i click the up date button.
unfortunately, when i try to install the bluestack.. it still came up with the same problem.. 🙁
But thank you so much for the info you gave me..
Hey That’s Ok, But feeling sad because your problem not yet solved right. Hey, could you please done these few steps with good internet speed ? Because some times low internet speed also causes few problems while updating Graphic card. Thanks for your appreciated comment.
Yea.. I will do that..!
Thank you..I still have hope hahaha..
Will let you know when its done..
can u pls send me the link of imo free download for laptop win 10
How can I download IMO in my laptop? Please, help me.
Hi Zakaria, The procedure which i explained here is clear right. Using Bluestacks emulator you can get imo messenger without errors. Please do follow procedure Buddy you will get it. Thanks
I cannot download Imo? Please, help me.
Could you send me your problem while following this installation procedure ? So, That i can help you. And my favorite video messenger is IMO App . It’s simply awesome quality. Thank you
very good
sign in problem.
so even can’t search for imo.
showing ‘unable to connect internet’.
how i can connect blue-stacks to internet?
help me out plzz
Mosin, you are having problem of low speed internet connection. Please follow the procedure with good internet speed and give your valid login credentials while logging into bluestacks. Then search for imo in that bluestacks. And enjoy this awesome app features in your laptop or PC. Thanks..
i think problem is… i am using proxy internet.
plz guide me how to use blue-stack on proxy internet
when i install bluestack in my laptop it’s china language. but i want to use it in English. can you help me?
Hello Aluddin, move to All Apps>>>Just hit Bluestacks Settings>>Strike on Keyboard Settings>>You will see pop up windows just hit on Setup Keyboard Layout>>>> Un select or Disable already bluestacks using language(i.e In your case China) and Select English(US), International Style…Now your bluestacks language chnged to English(US) from China. It’s your turn. Thanks.
I cant use Imo on my window 8 phone I don’t know why
Sir the voice is not coming video call is working but voice is not coming… please give me solution what should i do??
Are you able to watch the videos with sound in your system/Laptop…? Because you might have problem with your speakers…Once verify it…And let me know after that. Thanks..
yes sir I watch videos, movies with proper sound qualities on my laptop..
But my sound is not going to other when i call through imo… only i m able to see them.. and their voice is coming…only my voice not going them
i have the same problem what should I do admin?
hi.i cannot t download imo pc ,help me
Have you followed this tutorial to install imo for PC ?. Follow this guide to get it installed on your PC/Laptop and it’s working fine. Thanks 🙂
Im like for imo but not available imo windows 10 please rules date boy imo
How I can install background on chat on Imo? On Soma,App,Viber you can install background on the chat. But on Imo not?
how i can update my graphic driver using to use bluestacks
This one will help you to Upgrade Graphic Card to Use Bluestacks. Check comments in that article you will get few steps to upgrade your graphic card. Thanks.
hi friends can send some link for free download IMO for laptop win10.
Sharma, Isn’t this article working for you to install IMO for Windows 10 for free ?
unable to hear sound on imo in blue stacks plz help
Thanku admin,
how to upgrade graphics card?
unable to hear sound on imo in blue stacks plz help
Sir I have installed imo app on my laptop for windows 10 as per ur procedure but sir voice is not coming audio is not working in app… what should i do??
sir how we can download imo for pc plz help me.
Hey kamran, Above procedure working fine for all PC users. Do try it. Thanks.
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